
Wednesday evening May 22 ’19 was a special evening as MUSTANGH organized its very first publecture! It was a successful evening! Our president Fauve and our treasurer Maud opened with a short talk about the purpose of MUSTANGH and about their recent trip to the West Gonja Hospital in Ghana. After that, the stage was free for Dr. Peter Reemst, who works as a surgeon in the Netherlands as well as in African and Asian countries. He is committed to improving the surgical profession in less economically prosperous countries. The last speaker of the evening was Dr. Geraldine Beaujean, working at the University of Maastricht as managing director of SHE Collaborates. This project collaborates with schools and universities in developing countries to improve their health care education. It was nice to experience that the speakers, who both try to improve health care in two different ways, came to the same conclusion: health care in these countries benefits most from collaborations. Dutch doctors who are eager to contribute to health care in these countries must be prepared to collaborate and learn from local doctors as knowledge transfer goes in two directions.
We would like to thank Dr. Peter Reemst, Dr. Geraldine Beaujean, Fauve and Maud for their inspiring talks and all attendees for coming! On to the next MUSTANGH publecture!