Christmas Letter 2018

In 2018, MUSTANGH Foundation has designed a Christmas letter again. With this letter, we were able to wish local residents from Maastricht a Merry Christmas. At the same time, we’ve drawn lots of attention to our foundation.  The purpose of MUSTANGH was briefly explained in this letter, which also covered aspects like the West Gonja Hostital and the brain drain.
The acquisition committee decided to create a new design for the Christmas Letter, in the form of an infographic (lots of pictures combined with short texts).
The board and committee members of MUSTANGH made a big effort and distributed a total of 800 Christmas letters in Maastricht and surrounding areas. In addition, they distributed 400 Christmas letters to patients and employees in the MUMC hospital. This has brought a total of 140 euros. We are very happy with the result and would like to thank all sponsors for their support!